Friday, October 21, 2011

Lock / Hang Analysis

When I have to analyze database lock or even hang issues, I use the following SQL statements, scripts and references:
-- all sessions involved in blocking
-- - blocked sessions
select * 
from   v$session ses
where  ses.blocking_session is not null
-- - blockers
select * 
from   v$session ses
where  sid in ( select blocking_session from v$session where blocking_session is not null )

-- find root blocker
select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''' immediate;' kill_db_cmd
,      'kill -9 '||process as kill_os_cmd
,      s.*
from   v$session s
where  sid in ( 
   select blocking_session
   from   v$session
and    blocking_session is null              
--and    username = 'DBUSER'
--and    osuser = 'osuser'

-- ddl lock information
select dlk.session_id
,      ses.serial#
,      ses.username
,      ses.schemaname
,      ses.machine
,      ses.logon_time
,      dlk.owner
,      dlk.type
,      dlk.mode_held
,      dlk.mode_requested
,      'alter system kill session '''||ses.sid||','||ses.serial#||''' immediate;'
from   dba_ddl_locks dlk
  inner join v$session ses
          on dlk.session_id = ses.sid
where (mode_held <> 'Null' or mode_requested <> 'None')
order by dlk.session_id    

-- library cache lock information
select distinct ses.ksusenum as sid
,      ses.ksuseser          as serial#
,      ses.ksuudlna          as username
,      ses.ksusemnm          as module
,      obj.kglnaown          as object_owner
,      obj.kglnaobj          as object_name
,      lck.kgllkcnt          as lock_count
,      lck.kgllkmod          as lock_mode
,      lck.kgllkreq          as lock_req
,      swt.state             as wait_state
,      swt.event             as wait_event
,      swt.seconds_in_wait   as sec_in_wait
from   x$kgllk lck        -- library object locks (both held and requested)
,      x$kglob obj        -- objects
,      x$ksuse ses        -- sessions
,      v$session_wait swt -- session wait
where  lck.kgllkreq > 0   -- a lock is requested
and    obj.kglhdadr = lck.kgllkhdl
and    lck.kgllkuse = ses.addr
and    swt.sid = ses.indx
order by swt.seconds_in_wait desc

sta ?/rdbms/admin/utllockt
------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- ----------------- -----------------
--524               None
--   511            Transaction       Exclusive      Exclusive      1835044           8310

-- it might also be of interest to look into ash
-- history, query coordinator, etc
select * 
from   v$active_session_history
where  time_waited > 0

-- displays a row for each lock or latch that is being held, and one row for each outstanding request for a lock or latch.
select * 
from   dba_lock_internal

-- all locked objects
select oracle_username
,      os_user_name
,      session_id
,      locked_mode
,      object_name
,      object_type
from   v$locked_object lob
,      dba_objects obj
where  lob.object_id = obj.object_id
order by oracle_username
,        os_user_name
,        session_id

-- enqueues
select sid
,      event
,      chr(bitand(p1,-16777216)/16777215)|| chr(bitand(p1, 16711680)/65535) "type"
,      mod(p1,16) as "mode" 
,      p2
,      p3 
from   v$session_wait 
where  event like 'enq%'

-- cumulated statistics on enqueues
select * 
from   v$enqueue_statistics

-- see who accesses an object
select *
from   v$access
where  object like 'BLA'

-- oradebug dump systemstate
-- - shows complete dump of all processes including locks held/requested
-- - dump created in user dump dest
-- - connect as sysdba
oradebug setmypid
oradebug unlimit
oradebug dump systemstate 266
oradebug tracefile_name

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