Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Detailed Session Overview

The query below shows all sessions together with the current SQL and transaction information. It includes parallel execution servers which are being used.

select px.qcsid "QC SID"
,      s.sid "SID"
,      s.serial# "Serial"
,      s.logon_time "Logon Time"
,      decode(pp.server_name
                     ,' - '||trim(pp.server_name)
             ) "User"
--,      s.schemaname "Schema"
--,      s.osuser "O/S User" 
--,      s.machine "Machine"
--,      s.process "Process Id"
--,      s.program "Program"
--,      s.module "Module"
--,      s.action "Action"
--,      s.client_info "Client Info"
,      s.status "Status"
,      s.lockwait "Lock Wait"
,      px.server_group "Grp"
,      px.server_set "Set"
,      s.state "Wait State"
,      case s.state 
         when 'WAITING' then s.event
         else null 
       end "Wait Event"
,      s.seconds_in_wait "Wait Sec"
,      px.req_degree "Req. DOP"
,      px.degree "Actual DOP"
,      s.pdml_status "PDML Status"
,      t.start_time "TRX Start"
,      t.log_io "Log I/O"
,      t.phy_io "Phy I/O"
,      t.used_ublk "UNDO Blks"
,      t.used_urec "UNDO Recs"
,      s.sql_id "SQL Id"
,      st.sql_text "SQL Text"
,      st.sql_fulltext "Full SQL"
,      st.executions "Executions"
,      st.disk_reads "Disk Reads"
,      st.sorts "Sorts"
,      st.buffer_gets "Buffer Gets"
,      st.sharable_mem "Shar Mem"
,      st.persistent_mem "Pers Mem"
,      st.runtime_mem "Run Mem" 
from   gv$px_session px
,      gv$session s 
,      gv$px_process pp
,      gv$transaction t
,      gv$sql st
where  s.sid = px.sid(+)
and    s.serial# = px.serial#(+)
and    s.inst_id = px.inst_id(+)
and    px.sid = pp.sid (+)
and    px.serial# = pp.serial#(+)
and    px.inst_id = pp.inst_id (+)
and    s.taddr = t.addr (+)
and    s.sql_address = st.address(+) 
and    s.sql_child_number = st.child_number(+)
-- restrictions
and    s.type != 'BACKGROUND'
--and    nvl(px.qcsid,s.sid) = 1630
--and    nvl(px.qcserial#,s.serial#) = 68
order by px.qcsid
,        px.server_group nulls first
,        px.server_set

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